Gray is growing so fast!

Lilypie First Birthday tickers

Tuesday, June 1, 2010

Gray's cousins!

Gray is very blessed to have so many incredible cousins (6)!!!

Max at his CofC baseball birthday party!

Griffin watching the game.

Chloe dodging the camera as usual!

Charley girl.

Sweet Isabel.

Precious little Mills. 

Charley taking care of Gray.

Griffin loving on him.

Gammy and Chloe.

Max reading to Gray.

Izzy showing Jess how to hold a baby.

Such a sweet picture of Charley with her Uncle Jess.

Gray and Mills hanging out.


  1. Gray's cousins love him, too! :) (and so does his aunt!)

  2. Max reminds me a lot of Jess in that first picture!

  3. Your camera is awesome! Little Gray is growing so fast and he's so cute!!!
